This tutorial is written by

On Fri, 12 Jan 2001, Helgi Hrafn Gunnarsson wrote:

> > > instructions on how to use this program. Mozilla is already in
> > > version 0.7, and I would really, *really* like to have an
> > > Icelandic version of 1.0.
> > Perhaps, we need a more detailed documentation about MozillaTranslator.

   I've also get confused with MozillaTranslator before...
   So here is my experience, hope this helps...
   And a snapshot on MozillaTranslator with Chrome View is attached.

--- 1. Setting up Mozilla and knowing the directory structure

First of all, you have to download a build of Mozilla then install it.
I'll take Windows versions as example:
  The Windows builds usually distribute in 2 kinds of bundles:
    1) Windows Installer (.exe)
    2) a large ZIP file  (.zip)
  For WindowsInstaller, all you have to do is just run it and press 'Next'.
  For ZIP, unzip it to one directory. (I suggest '\Mozilla').

  The WindowsInstaller will create directories like
        +------- chrome\
	+------- components\
	+------- default\
	+------- Plugins\
	+------- Mozilla.exe
  and the ZIP versions rename 'Seamonkey' to 'bin'.

  Assume you have installed your ZIPPED mozilla in C:\Mozilla, i.e. you have

  Now I'll use the term $MOZILLA_DIR to refer to the directory which
  contains 'mozilla.exe'. It is C:\Mozilla\Bin or C:\Mozilla\Seamonkey
  in the cases above.

--- 2. Start MozillaTranslator 4

  Allright, now fetch latest MozillaTranslator program, and you'll get
  'mt4nn.jar' -- nn is a version number. (eg: mt436.jar)

  Copy the jar to a working directory. C:\Mozilla\mt4 is a not bad choice :)
  And there're also 'mpl_dtd.txt' and 'mpl_properties.txt' that you can
  find them from http://www.mozilla/projects/l10n/, they can help you add
  Mozilla Public License to your language pack files. Please put them in the
  directory you put mt4nn.jar

  You must have Java JRE(or JDK) 1.3 installed to run MozillaTranslator 4.

  Now go to C:\Mozilla\mt4 and run
    C:\Mozilla\mt4> javaw -jar mt4nn.jar

  Java is slow, but finally you should see a GUI window with title 
  'Mozilla Translator, Version 4.xx', that's it. I'm using 4.36 to
  write steps below:
--- 3. Setting up MozillaTranslator 4 'Installs'

  The 'Installs' in MT4 means the Mozilla you've installed.
  Now use menu: 
    File -> Manage Installs, then 'Add'
  You can enter Mozilla's version for the 'Name' field, eg: 'Mozilla R0.7'  
  And for the 'Location', we have to give it the location of locale bundles.

  Normally it's $MOZILLA_DIR\chrome\en-US.jar if you have a en-US.jar in
  that directory, or directory 'en-US' if you have it.
  Whatever you have to find something like 'en-US' in your
  $MOZILLA_DIR\chrome directory, whethere it is a file or a directory.

  So after you've filled 'Name' and 'Location' fields, press 'OK' then 'Exit'.

  Now use menu:
    File -> Update Install
  Everytime you've downloaded a new build of Mozilla, you have to do 'Update 
  Install' once. It will merge new locale strings with your previous work.

  When you see a prompt window with title 'Show what', 
  you have to enter your new locale in the 'Locale' field, then press OK.
  The locale is something like en-US, zh-TW, ja-JP, .....
  Go to L10N page ( for more details.

  If you success, you'll see a window titled 'Changed Strings' with
  lots of strings listed. If you see nothing, you've set wrong location.
  Go back (Manage Installs->Edit)and try again.

--- 4. Using Mozilla Translator 4

  Each time you start MT4, you can start you work by selecting one browse
  method from menu 'Edit'.

    Edit -> Chrome View
         |- Untranslated strings
	 |- Reddundant strings
	 |- Edit select phrase
	 |- Simple Search
	 |    .
	 |    . 

  Every method will prompt you 'Show what' first. You can choose fields you
  need on it. (Hold your Ctrl key then single click on items) The most import 
  ones are: Key, Org.Text, Keep, Tranlated Text
  Please select at least these 4 items.

  Most time I use Chrome View to translate. It has tree-view representing
  the directory and file structure in chrome/locale directory. Though we have
  jarred locale file(en-US.jar) now, it was a directory before. (In fact
  the jar is just a zip containing the locale directory)

  Untranslated and Reddundant are useful, too. And the simple/advanced
  search is really helpful if you want to find some special entries. 
  You can try these methods, but I'll only demonstrate on Chrome View below.

  Usually you'll see chrome view like:
  Each maintains a part of Mozilla string resources. 
  Double-click on an item collapses it. Now try to open
     you'll see files like 'bm-find.dtd', 'bm-props.dtd' ....
  Click on them will bring its contents on the right panel of the window.   

  If you remembered to select 'Translated text', you can click on one entry
  and try to type something now. If your text appears on the field, you are
  doing translation for that Org.Text .
  If you need better interface (eg. Multi lines), Hold Alt then press E
  This will popup a 'Edit Phrase' window.

  There's still onething... Don't forget to press Enter after you've filled
  the translated text field each time, or you might leave it unchanged if 
  you change selection on the tree-view.

  Also remember to 'Save glossary' when you leave. If the 'X' button does
  not work, select menu: File->Quit.

--- 5. Try and Commit your work
  When you want to try your new langpack, you have to 'Export' it. 
  The mozilla can install your langpack via a special bundle name '.XPI',
  it's like a ZIP with a install script inside.

  After you've installed your langpack, you can update your langpack quickly
  by 'Write a JAR' to overwrite the JAR installed by XPI.

  Let me explain in detail. Take locale zh-TW for example, the first time
  you wanna try it you have to install and register a new locale for your
  Mozilla. So use MT4 menu:
   Export -> Write XPI

   Enter where you want to save the XPI to 'Save to' field, eg:

     (you'd better change the 'zhtw' to your own locale name, say XXYY
      if your locale is set to XX-YY)

   And fill the 'Author name' as your name. 'Display name' will be shown
   on Mozilla's locale selection menu, eg: 'Traditional Chinese (zh-TW)'.
   About 'Preview URL' and 'Version'... you can ignore them if you don't want
   to waste time typing that :)

   Afterall press OK. If the .xpi does not appear, look at 
   'C:\Mozilla\mt4\MozillaTranslator.errors' for help.

   Now start up your mozilla, and browse c:\Mozilla\mt4, then
   double click on 'langzhtw.xpi'. After installation restart Mozilla,
   and you should see your new locale in View -> Select languages
   Select it and restart, you should see a localized Mozilla now.

   To submit the langpack you must mail langXXYY.xpi to

   After you've installed the langpack first time, you can update it
   quickly by 'Write JAR'.
   Usually langXXYY.xpi contains a XX-YY.jar and a install script which
   will copy the XX-YY.jar to $MOZILLA_DIR\chrome\, where your old en-US.jar
   exists. So when you use 'Write JAR', find your XX-YY.jar location
   and fill it in the 'Save to' field. Then just restart Mozilla and
   you'll changes without having to install it again.


   OK, now keep exploring the MozillaTranslator on you own.
   Hope this helps someone who gets confused with MT4 just 
   like me before :)

			Francis S.Lin
			<>, Fri Jan 12 22:22:09 2001

	piaip, Francis.S.Lin